El Molinar is an area without light pollution, which allows you to see the starry sky as you have rarely observed. We also offer night vision of the sky with a high power telescope.



Guided visits are made to the old flour mill, which still has all the tools and equipment of the time. During the tour the guide explains how the flour was ground, the old water conduction system worked and other peculiarities of the Masía Molinar. It was the only mill in the area where skins were also tanned and hemp fiber was obtained. All these activities were closely related to the use of water from the adjacent river.



Of an easy level, the itinerary is done on foot and is accessible to all types of public. It can also be done by car for those with functional diversity who cannot walk much. The route extends around the farm offering various impressive landscapes and panoramas.

The route can be done complete or in parts (distinguished with different colors on the guide)

Total distance: 2.5-3 hours

The route can be done either autonomously or with a specialized guide.
The purpose of this route is to show the rich and unique heritage that this area has. The objective is to promote rural, green and sustainable tourism.
During this route, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful and immense landscape, a unique nature that has endemic and protected fauna and flora. You will discover historical remains of the past and learn about the traditions and customs of the region. It is a route with a genuine set of values.

The route is made up of four itineraries, each with its particularities. Click on the photo and you will access the details of each route.

Click on the photos to access the details of each route